Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dropbox - Free Online Storage : Free 16GB

Free 18GB with FB
ssbrianleejh | dbbrianleejh

250MB from Dropbox Guru
1) Under "Get Started", complete at least 5 of the 7 tasks.

640MB (128*5) from Get extra space free! (with networking apps)
1) Go to
2) Connect Facebook, Tweeter, Tweet their service, etc.

8,000MB 16GB (250 500MB each) from referrals
Recommend your friends. If you need more, this is the workaround:
1) Create dummy email address. You can use
2) Create new Dropbox account by using your referral e.g.
3) Register the account with the email you created
4) Complete 4 of the 7 tasks easily, namely:
1. Take the Dropbox tour
3. Put files in your Dropbox folder
5. Share a folder with friends or colleagues
6. Invite some friends to join Dropbox
5) You can ignore these 2 as they will not be considered as qualified referral.
4. Install Dropbox on other computers you use
7. Install Dropbox on your mobile device
6) This is the item that determines your referral validity:
2. Install Dropbox on your computer
This is a problem because Dropbox will know if you install the Dropbox in the same computer even if you login differently.
7) We recommend to use Virtual Machine to create the accounts.

Using Virtual machine:
1) First download these 2 files:
i) For Virtual Desktop:
ii) For Virtual OS:
2) Install the Virtual Desktop
3) Next create a VM by selecting Linux OS and Ubuntu Version
Note: you can reuse the same VM, to create for another user, by changing just the MAC address.
4) During connection, select the ISO you downloaded from Ubuntu as media source.
5) Upon successful connection, select "Try Ubuntu" icon
6) Install the dropbox application:


Direct installation does not work. As such, need to do manually.
1) If you are on proxy, change it at:
System -> Preferences, select "Network Preferences Policy" and update accordingly
2) Under Applications -> Accessories, select "Terminal"
Updates (May 2012)
3) Download my install_dropbox script and install nautilus-dropbox from Terminal.
wget -O dropbox.tar.gz\?plat=lnx.x86
4) Unpack the script.
tar xvzf dropbox.tar.gz
5) Start manually.
.dropbox-dist/dropbox start -i
And the download will start. Once completed, choose the Dropbox prompt "I already have an account" and sign in with your dummy email account.
8) You can check your storage space. It should increased by 500MB.

3) Download my install_dropbox script and install nautilus-dropbox from Terminal.
4) Unpack the script.
tar xvzf install_dropbox.tar.gz
5) Make the script executable.
chmod +x install_dropbox
6) Run the script. Press "Enter" and "Y" to proceed
7) Upon completion, start the application. Don't use the Window interface to start. Start manually.
dropbox start -i
And the download will start. Once completed, choose the Dropbox prompt "I already have an account" and sign in with your dummy email account.
8) You can check your storage space. It should increased by 250MB.

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